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Making Carmakers Pay is Easier than You Think

Next to buying a home, a car is likely the biggest purchase you’ll ever make. It’s frustrating and disheartening to realize that you’ve inadvertently bought a lemon. If your new car is defective, the car manufacturer has an obligation to fix the problem. If they can’t repair your car, the automaker is obligated to give you a refund or to replace your vehicle. But that rarely happens.

Unfortunately, manufacturers have teams of attorneys who do nothing but fight lemon law cases. And, while many states have programs where consumers can represent themselves in lemon law proceedings, automakers have a saying: “No lawyer, no money.” Consumers who represent themselves rarely win in arbitration hearings because they’re going up against seasoned professionals.

When Lemberg Law takes your case, we level the playing field. We go toe-to-toe with auto manufacturers every day. We never give in and we never back down.

When you contact us, the first thing we do is listen. You tell us your story, and we document the problems with your car and the inconvenience you’ve experienced. We’ll ask you to provide records of repairs, or help you figure out how to get them if you don’t already have them. Once we have all of your information, we can determine whether or not you have a case and how we can help you. We’ll explain all of the applicable state and federal laws and what we believe you can expect in the way of a refund, replacement vehicle, or cash settlement.

Once you’re our client, we contact the manufacturer and outline the facts of your case. Sometimes the manufacturer offers a cash settlement. Other times, we file a lawsuit in court. Usually, we’re able to achieve a refund, buyback, or cash settlement for our client before the case ever goes to trial.

Whichever direction your case takes, we’ll keep you informed every step of the way. We’ll outline your options, and allow you to make the decision that’s best for you.

One thing is certain: We don’t get paid unless you win. Often the manufacturer pays our fees. Other times, we get a percentage of any settlement achieved. But the bottom line is this: if you don’t get justice, we don’t get paid.